At EESystem, we’re not just offering a service; we’re creating a community of wellness and transformation. Our clients’ experiences speak volumes about the impact of our system. From profound relaxation to significant improvements in overall well-being, the stories of positive change are both inspiring and affirming.
Clients frequently express amazement at the results they’ve achieved. Many have reported feeling more energized, experiencing better sleep, and noticing a marked reduction in stress levels. The feedback about enhanced mental clarity and physical comfort is a testament to the effectiveness of the EESystem.
Our favorite part? The smiles and rejuvenated spirits of our clients after their sessions. These personal victories are what drive us to continually improve and innovate.
Best results for my precious dog Mia
I became aware of the EESystem and Dr Sandra Rose Michael’s work years ago. It was exciting to attend a talk by Bozena and having an EESystem close to home in the Northern Rivers of NSW. A very relaxed and welcoming host and environment.
My primary concern was to try it for my 12yr aging Kelpie/Cattle dog companion so we started with a 2 hr session. I immediately noticed within the first session her breath and later signs of detoxification. We’ve since had multiple 2hr sessions, Mia is familiar with the room and is always eager to be the first one in and goes straight to the center of the room. We’ve also recently enjoyed an 12 hr session and in my view it has definitely paid off.
Mia’s vet visit early 2024 after xrays, found her spine is fusing from the whole lumbar into her thoracic. She also had a heart murmer and has a mild enlarged heart. Her eyesight and hearing declining. The vet expressed she shouldn’t even be walking. Large fatty limphomas were throughout her body. She is still quite an active farm dog and still enjoys her short walks.
Being the love and joy of my life I’d already ditched dry kibble 6yrs ago and put her on a strict raw food diet. She has also been on cbd oils for the past 5 yrs. After the vet visit I diligently made all her food (Aged Arthritic Dog diet) and Mia is on specific supplements as well as non-steroidal anti inflammatory medication for her pain management.
Last week was 6 months vet checkup. My vet was super impressed with her progress.
Her eyes have cleared and her whole nature and movement improved. Her lumps significantly reduced.
Her urine test showed a perfect Ph and her specific gravity excellent for her age. Past 2 yrs her liver enzymes have been in the high range but her blood tests showed marked improvement to being only slightly above normal.
Being on the best of supplements, massages and esp raw food and cooked dinners have helped but the EESystem has definitely contributed to her health improvements. Personally I’ve noticed my own detoxification and slight improvement of my eyesight.
I highly recommend the EESystem for your (and your pets) overall health. Keep it up and you’ll notice the difference.
Testimonial for EES in Cullen st Nimbin
I started in the EES with one two-hour session a week. After 6 sessions the insomnia I’ve experienced for more than 26 years was completely gone. I slept and am still sleeping like I did as a teenager which I am so loving.
I’ve also found my mood and energy much better, my anxiety much lower. I feel more self contained.
A Couple of months ago I started on two two-hour sessions per week.
After having a retinal vein occlusion in October 2021 I’ve had to have two injections into my eye once every 4 weeks for 2 years, then once every 5 weeks since the end of last year. Since being in the EES I’ve found my sight to be much better in the affected eye, allowing me to begin to stretch the time in between shots, something whih I thought would take at least another 12 months to achieve. Very happy about that!
My right knee has disintegration of the meniscus and I need a knee brace when I go out. My knee also feels less painful and I wear the brace much less in the house now.
I’m continuing with my weekly sessions and am planning a sleep over sometime in the next few weeks.
– Jane, Nimbin, 24/4/2024
My experiences in the EESystem
First time: I felt it working on my roots of my teeth & a sensation in my third eye.
Twads the end of the two hours I felt very motivated to do something. When I came home I started painting immediately and was happy to be crative. After coming out of the room my eyesight was amazing, the clarity of colors. Also noticed my tinnitus had calmed down heaps.
Second time: Pretty much like the first time.
Third time: I switched days, normally I don’t do much on Mondays. I am exhausted from work and wish to be left alone. After the treatment I immediately felt rested. This time the Machine was clearly working on my hips & sciatic nerve. Ssme feeling motivated /to do stuff. Eyesight great & tinniutus lots better.
Fourth time: There was some time in between around 3 weeks; I really missed the Machine. I felt I needed the treatment. Did bring my ADHD 7 year old friend along. She was calm for two hours!! Amazing
Fifth time: Very special. I did fall in deep meditation straight away. Thought that two hours were like 5 minuts. Very relaxed all day after.
Great Sleep and Less Pain
The big news, is that Kerry had a much better night and also slept for a couple of hours during the afternoon. She also told me a short while ago that she is not in as much pain, even though she overdid it again in helping to clean up our land before I cut around one acre of orchard this afternoon. As for me, I slept right through the night, whereas I usually get up once or twice.. I am sure that my knees are not giving me as much pain and I am in a better head space – especially as I was diagnosed as having chronic depression a few years ago! What a great result. We will be back again soon.
Feedback from Craniosacral Therapist after 3 EESystem sessions.
“I just saw your lovely husband and yes, I noticed a lot of positive changes in his system! Much softer, less “density”, more elastic fluid body. Everything delt better. He can still improve in lower leg openness and there’s a little hlding in his lumbars but honestly SO MUCH BETTER! I could see in his demeanour too just brighter, so really great to see. What the [craniosacral] treatment is helping is the spatial dynamics of his fluid body (the expansion on the fluid channels) and that’s going faster because everything is softer.
We will put in a few weeks before next treatment for both of you as I can see the machine is doing you a lot of good. […]
Long term benefits
I have attended another EESystem center before for few sessions and felt the relaxing effects of a super deep sleep.
Now I have spent over 100 hours in the EESystem and have experienced following changes:
– neuropathy in both of my hands, which I’ve had for over 5 years and which resulted in my waking up EVERY MORNING with numb hands, is now totally gone. It took few sessions and it was going back and forth 3-4 times but now it is no more and I have been free from it for around 2 months.
– Eyesight A LOT better. I have been wearing glasses for over 50 years and this is the very first time that I actually mispace them regularly because I forget to put them on or take them off in odd places. Still have astigmatism so have to wear glasses when driving, but otherwise I could pretty much do without them. Also, I got to remember the psychological reason I needed the glasses in the first place, which was to put a barrier between myself and the world I did not understand. Now I do not need that barrier anymore…
– The energy levels have been rising steadly. I get a lot more things done, my mind is a lot clearer and I have huge plans for the future.
– I do not feel overwhelmed anymore which was my state all the time during 2021-2023. Now my mind is calm and steady.
– My cravings for sugar are pretty much gone. It took a while, but now I can walk past chocolate and even though my mind says “Yay!”, my body is not interested. I still give in to my mind sometimes but it does not give me anywhere as much joy to eat it as before. I also used to like a beer or a wine every now and then, but now it also lost it’s magic for me.
– My hair, eyebrows and eyelashes are all noticeably thicker and my skin is firmer. In fact I have had several comments from people who do not see me regularly that I look younger and I definitely feel that way.
-The feeling of peace, bliss and love are with me now all the time and I just love everything about my life 🙂
Yes, it all took some time, effort and money to manifest but for me it was totally worth it.
Came for a few overnight stays and each time it had a profound effect on me
I’m not the biggest believer… or maybe it’s better to classify me as a skeptic in this technology, but one thing that I noticed was that after each and every overnight session I would have, I would be sleeping extremely deep and have very vivid dreams.
Like noticeably different sleep.
And then I would get sick, headaches, lots of flem being purged out of my body. I guess I would call it a cleans of sorts. a Detox.
Once the cleansing stopped, I feel fantastic.
I need to try it a few more times before I can confidently say that it works, but it has been a nice surprise and definitely has turned me from being a skeptic into more of a believer of this kind of technology
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