Freequently Asked Questions about the EESystem

We have a 12 unit Energy Enhancement System set up in our downstairs unit at our home. There are 6+ spaces for daytime use with couches converting into 2 double beds for overnight sessions.
You might be sharing your space with others while you are having your session which creates a zone which can be a lot more powerful. Our energy, given the right environment can sync together to create even more powerful space. We ask everybody who comes for a session to set an intention and come with a gratitude and love in their heart to raise the vibrations and give the best chance for our body to heal. Lets do it together!

Definitely! The inventor of the EESystem, Dr Sandra Rose Michael is a very well respected scientist . She has lectured at the United Nations, MIT, the World Summit on Integral Medicine, the Harvard Club, The Royal Society of Medicine, Mount Sinai Medical School, the Scalar Research Experts Conference, anti-aging congresses, as well as numerous medical schools and ministries of health worldwide.

If you would like to view some of the studies, please follow this link
We find however, that apart from the scientific research, the proof that we are mainly interested in comes from all the people who attended sessions in the EESystem. There are many miracle stories being reported and the number is just growing!

Expect to share the room with up to 6 people during a session. Each session lasts two hours, and we can accommodate group bookings of 6+ people. If you have a family group we are happy to accommodate more people. Children under 10 are free, but of course you will need to tell us they are coming, so we can provide a space for them as well.

There are definitely things you can do to prepare for your session.

Dress for comfort and bring extra layers. Although there is air conditioning we set it cooler rather than too warm and if you tend to get cooler when you relax, it might be a good idea to bring an extra blanket.
Eat something before the session so you’re not hungry, but avoid a large meal. You want to be comfortably full, but not busy digesting.
Hydration is important. Lemon water or coconut water is great, but we also provide filtered, energy enhanced water at the centre.
You can bring your own eye mask, noise cancelling headphones or earplugs if you would like to experience a completer silence.
The phones must be switched off, on silent or airplane mode, especially if you share the session with others. Even if you would happen to be in the room all by yourself, you want to give your body the best chance to do it’s own healing. Constant interruptions will definitely interrupt the cycle and give you less results.
If you’re bringing a pet, they need to be clean and on a leash. They will not be allowed on the lounges or beds as those are used by people who might be allergic to pets. You need to bring a cage or their own bed. Most pets just fall asleep in the eesystem so it should be pretty effortless.
For overnight sessions, we provide the bed and bottom sheet. You’ll need to bring your own pillow and blanket unless you’re traveling from out of state or internationally then we will provide full bedding for an additional nominal price.
Toilet is available as well as shower facilities for overnight session guests. Please bring your own towel and toiletries.
To get the most of the session, it is great to set an intention but have an open mind at the same time. Your body will decide what it will work on so you might get results in a different area than you expect.

Parking is limited at our place, but we are a short 5 minute walk from the center of the village where parking is plentiful

Food is not allowed in the room as that could interfere with the relaxation of others. If you come for an overnight session you might want to bring a juice or a smoothie. It is advisable to consume light food so the body can use it’s energy for healing rather than for digestion.

From our customers experiences, the results often can be cumulative, especially if you make some positive changes in your lifestyle. EESystem can charge your bodie’s battery to deal with any issues, but it is up to you how you use that charge. Eating processed food, drinking water full of chemicals, limited physical movement, concentrating on negative thoughts and emotions will deplete your battery faster than taking responsibility to put into place a healthy lifestyle.

Different people have different experiences. Most people just relax or fall asleep, others choose to meditate or listen to music (bring your own headphones if you want to do it). Letting go is actually the best action you can take to allow your body to start it’s processes.

We recommend a sea salt bath if you do have that option, but if you don’t, make sure you drink a lot of water and eat very light meals as the body is lightly to start detoxing. It is also a good idea to have an early night to give your body a chance to do more work. We have had reports of people reporting “the best sleep ever”, so enjoy it!

This is the technology where the more exposure you get, the better. The EESystem centers which have been open for a while observed that generally, people report a real change around 20 hours. You can choose to take few 2 hour sessions or jump right in for an overnight session to get the maximum effect asap.

Scalar fields are fifth-dimensional non-linear fields that exist out of relative time and space. They don’t decay over time or distance and can pass through solid matter. When your body enters a Scalar field, your electromagnetic field gets excited. This can boost cell regeneration, immune functions, and neurotransmitter functions, leading to increased energy, mental clarity, enhanced health, and overall well-being.

If you cancel or re-book at least 48 hours before your sessions, it will be free of charge.
If you cancel or re-book within 24 hours, we’ll charge 50% of the session cost. Cancellations less than 24 hours or no-shows will be charged the full session cost.
In case you can’t attend all your prepaid sessions, you can transfer them to a friend or family member. For extenuating circumstances, feel free to contact us.
We hope this answers all your questions! If you have any more, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help you on your healing journey.

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